The Kindness Cup is a fantastic way to foster kindness in school communities. By acknowledging kindness, we are fostering a conversation within school communities about what matters, and that being kind to people and the planet is worth celebrating and encouraging.
The Kindness Cup is currently available to schools on the higher end of the equity index (decile 6 and under).
The Kindness Cup is proudly in partnership with The LEGO Foundation.
Schools on the programme receive LEGO sets for their classes and have access to learning resources, activities and active participants are invited to workshops and events, all thanks to The LEGO Group and The LEGO Foundation!
“Our students are being more supportive of each other in the classroom and playground, showing respect and kindness to each other. They are embracing the diversity of others and offering to support them when needed.
Some of our students that have presented with high behavioural needs have used the Kindness Cup as their goal to improve their behaviour and conflict with peers and are working really hard to implement changes and show extra kindness to others”.
“Students are showing more kindness towards each other which has helped teachers with behaviour management across the whole school. There have been less behavioural incidents and the impact for the school has been very positive!
Students are being kinder to each other, classrooms are settled and students are looking out for each other more, being kinder when playing games and showing more empathy for others when they get hurt”.
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