Christmas Kindness

Every year we provide thousands of children and their families with the magic of Christmas.

Every year, we provide children and their families with a joyful Christmas.

Many families are living in poverty in New Zealand are struggling to make ends meet. We know that when parents are having to make tough choices between putting food on the table and paying the rent, things like Christmas presents and treats aren't always possible.

For 11 years the Kindness Collective has been providing the magic of christmas and so far has brought joy to over 60,934 children across New Zealand.

Christmas Joy Store:

The Christmas Joy Store is New Zealand's first Social Toy Store that invites referred parents and caregivers to choose gifts and treats for their children they know they'll love, off the shelves, shopping for free.

The Joy Store is in its fifth year and has delivered over 120,000 toys and 300,000 treats to kids in need so far!

Joy across Aotearoa:

We also spread joy throughout the country with toys and food boxes children and families through our community partners in 68 different regions, cities and towns in New Zealand, right from Kaitaia to Invercargill!

Kindy Kindness:

Every year we support community kindies, kōhanga reo and early learning centres to have Christmas parties, where every child gets a present from Santa, they're visited by their favourite entertainers, enjoy bouncy castles, bubbles and a big shared meal with their centre, teachers and whānau.

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Just wanted to give you a big thank you for allowing my aunt to come in today and choose gifts for her babies. She has been diagnosed with stage four cancer and this will be her last Christmas with us. She was so grateful as she had to stop working and wasn’t sure how she was going to afford gifts this year. The Kindness Collective saved Christmas for us!".
Whānau feedback, South Auckland
“It was a privilege to be able to take my families shopping at the Joy Store. The volunteers and staff made us feel so special and welcome and the gifts to choose from were absolutely amazing. These families have not only received gifts for their children but most importantly, the opportunity to make special memories that will last a lifetime for their children".
Kim Gerhardt, Family Works
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