Helping whānau stay warm, and well over winter.

This year, we were proud to partner with Nau Mai Rā, The Warehouse, Tend Health and Bargain Box by My Food Bag to launch a first-of-its-kind programme to help whānau stay warm, and well over winter.

Our annual winter campaign, The PJ Project delivers warmth to over 25,000 children, but we wanted to go one step further to launch Manaaki Ora - Winter Wellness, which helps provide energy support, healthcare, food and winter warmth essentials for a group of whānau in South Auckland.

By having nutritious kai in the cupboard, access to healthcare and a warm whare, Manaaki Ora helps families thrive in the community and at home.

Read about the impact of this year's programme in the report below. If you want to be a part of 2025's campaign, please get in touch.
2024 Impact ->


Energy Support

Nau Mai Rā sells power like every other power company, but the reason they do, is to get it to the people and places who need it most.

With their pay it forward consumer model, those who can afford to pay for power can join and give a portion of their bill back to the “Whānau Fund” which is used to support those in need.  

The families within Manaaki Ora, are part of the Whānau Fund, and receive subsidised energy payments throughout winter.


Tend Health is one of Aotearoa’s leading primary healthcare providers, changing the way people access care. Through the Tend app, they allow you to get the care you need, when you need it. 

For the duration of the programme, all members of the whānau household will have access to free online healthcare appointments with a GP via the Tend app, without long wait-times.  This means winter illnesses are stopped in their tracks, minimising time away from work and school.

Learn more about Tend ->

Healthy Kai

My Food Bag is on a mission to help New Zealanders eat better - by providing them with tasty, nutritious and affordable meal solutions through their range of meal kits. 

Each family will receive fresh, quality, nutritious and delicious veggies every week, from Bargain Box by My Food Bag. They’ll also receive a copy of the Saver Flavour Cookbook by Nadia Lim and Bargain Box which contains 45+ recipes for less than $20 for 4 people.

From KC's food service, each whānau will receive a Phillips Air Fryer to enable healthier cooking, as well as pantry staples and Tegel chickens weekly.


Thanks to the support the Kindness Collective receives from The Warehouse, each family will receive pyjamas, blankets, hot water bottles, and cost-effective heaters. 

The PJ Project is on-going until 31st July, and you can still help keep kids and their families warm by donating on the link below.